Early variety with a great package of agronomics
Early maincrop variety producing very high yields of long-oval tubers with pale-yellow flesh. Excellent bright skin finish with shallow eyes. Higher dry matter (typically 22%) giving good taste and eating qualities which are well received by customers. Kingsman has superior blackleg and damage resistance.
Kingsman | |
Dry matter % | 22 |
Maturity | Early |
Common scab (*1) | 3 |
Powdery scab (*1) | 4 |
Silver scab (*1) | 8 |
Tuber shape | Oval/Long oval |
Skin color | Light yellow |
Flesh color | Cream |
Eye depth | Shallow |
Smoothness of skin | Smooth |
Bruising (*1) | 6 |
Splitting (*1) | 9 |
Skin spot (*1) | 8 |
Black leg (*1) | 8 |
Potato Cyst Nematodes Ro1 (*1) | 9 |
Potato Cyst Nematodes Ro2/3 (*1) | 2 |
Leafroll (*1) | 4 |
Virus Y (*1) | – |
Foliage blight (*1) | 4 |
Tuber blight (*1) | 5 |
Dry rot (F. coeruleum) (*1) | 8 |
Dry rot (F. sulphureum) (*1) | 1 |
(*1): – – no information, 9= resistant, 1= very susceptible
▪ Kingsman can be planted early into warming soils
except where powdery scab is a high risk
▪ Kingsman generally has a high yield potential
▪ Variety will develop a good large rooting system, which provides good nutrient efficiency and excellent heat and drought tolerance
▪ Variety can produce high yields unirrigated and performs well in hot climates
▪ Kingsman maintains a strong canopy into maturity which might hinder skin set in some seasons and can delay dry matter accumulation